
The existed laboratory in the Department of Industrial Engineering are:
  • The Laboratory of Simulation and Optimization of Industrial System  (SMOSI)

    The practicum done in this laboratory included: 
    1. The Implementation of practicum on simulation and optimization of industrial system it is intended to equip student with the competence of mastering software on quantitative system, SEESIM, SPSS, and etc to solve some big projects of industrial system simulation, operational research, and project management whuch are impossible to be done manually due to its many variables. 
    2. The implementation of practicum on simulation and optimization on industrial and production system, it is intended on giving practical learning on how student conducts the simulation experiments. If it is possible, student come with the solution on the problem faced then it will be applied to be flexible industrial replica.  
    3. The Implementation of  intergrated I industrial system simulation laboratory is intended to improve and integrate the laboratory of Statistics I and II, laboratory of statistics quality control, laboratory of PSKE, laboratory of production into industrial system. 
    4. The implementation of intergrated industrial system simulation laboratory is intended as a venue to integrate the quality of Management, PSKE, MRP II, and management studio Laboratory into a simulation system of industry. 

    The Practicum in this laboratory includes: 
    1. The Implementation of practicum on work measurement, giving practical learning to determine the work method, deciding rating performance, making mapping process, work mapping, and implementing work measurement using stop watch and work sampling method. 
    2. The implementation of practicum planning on work system and ergonomics I, giving practical learning on planning the work method, work station, panel cotrol, product planning, and etc. according to the work principle and human condition. 
    3. The implementation of practicum planning on work system and ergonomics 2, giving practical learning on planning work system, breaking time based on physical condition, planning the work movement, sound communication, and etc according to th work principle and human condition. 
    4. Pengembangan praktikum Teknik Industri memberikan pembelajaran praktis bagaimana merancang prosedur, stasiun, dan sistem industri non manufaktur

  • Lab. Sistem Manufaktur (Sisman)

    Praktikum di Laboratorium ini meliputi : 
    1. Tahap I Implementasi praktikum perencanaan dan pengendalian Produksi, memberikan pembelajaran praktis bagaimana meramalkan permintaan membuat jadwal agregat dan disagregat, membuat jadwal induk produksi, membuat surat perintah kerja, menjadwalkan kerja, merencanakan kebutuhan bahan, merancang lintasan keseimbangan, merancang lay out kerja, dll pada industri berteknologi manual
    2. Implementasi praktikum sistem produksi (MRP II,JIT, Proyek) memberikan pembelajaran praktis bagaimana kinerja tiap sistem produksi, bagaimana merancang sistem produksi tersebut, dan menguji keandalan rancangan sistem produksi pada industri berteknologi manual.
    3. Implementasi praktikum sistem produksi semi otomatis, sama dengan tahap I dan II namun untuk industri berteknologi semi otomatis.
    4. Implementasi praktikum sistem produksi full otomatis, sama dengan tahap I dan II namun untuk industri berteknologi full otomatis.

  • The Laboratory of Programming and Industrial Computation 
  • The Laboratory of Manufacturing Integrated Computation

Fasilitas dan Layanan


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